Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who's Weird?

I just read the comment my niece, Shelley wrote about my blog-"Clean what!!!!!" First of all to Shelley and Becky---- I did not mean I would take the buttons off all the clothes. Only the garments where I had about $10.00 in buttons. I would probably only get $4 or $5 for the garments in a garage sale,and if I could recycle the buttons at a saving of $10.00 I thought perhaps it might be worth it, to reuse the buttons and throw the material away. Honestly girls!!

Secondly, about the comment Shelley made about not being weird. Hummmmm! Well I got the dictionary out and looked up the meaning. The first meaning was ' of fate or destiny' . I am not real sure what that one is supposed to mean, but I think the Brown's make their own fate and destiny , so that one can apply. Second meaning: of or about ghosts, evil spirits, or other supernatural things; unearthy;mysterious;eerie. I can say there is nothing ghostly, evil or supernatural about Shelley. Now, with the word, mysterious, we are beginning to form a picture of my beloved niece.

Third meaning:(a) strikingly odd, strange, etc fantastic: bizarre, Ahh we are making a clearer picture all the time. (b) eccentric, erratic, or unconventional in behaviour. Pay dirt! erratic: having no fixed course, or deviating from the normal or customary course. eccentric:not having the axis in the center; out of the ordinary; odd.

Now Shelley, forgetting your kids conference two times is a little out of the ordinary to me. And I would say calling your police husband in the middle of a courtroom hearing to remind him to bring home "T.P." is deviating from the normal. And,,, in my opinion, being told you can no longer ride in the cruiser with your husband because you were yelling at the prisoners is just bizarre. Now , if you think trying to save some money because you are a poor widow woman trying to live on a small pension and send her poor little boy thru college is weird , and you are not weird, with the things you do, perhaps we should read the dictionary together and talk it over.

Don't you ever change. Love you just exactly the way you are. all my love-Aunt Brenda


  1. First of all, yay Mom - you changed your blog template all by yourself! I can't believe it!!

    Secondly - I can see you taking the buttons off the clothes. I'm not so sure the line about throwing away the material would necessarily come to pass though. I can hear you now..."Hmm..I could use this for..."

    Third - gotta go with mom on this one Shells. You do come up with some good ones. But she's right - we love you just the way you are!!

    Fourth - I cannot believe you drug out the old "poor widow woman on a pension" drawl again...good grief!

  2. Brenda! The whole blog was about ME!! Do you know how happy that makes me?! Look at all my exclamation points!!!!!!!!!! Did I ever tell you about the time I went up to the Chief of Police, after the drug dog died, and asked him if he thought that someone poisoned Kilo, he said "No" to which I promptly said "Do you think it was rabid coon?" He gave me a really weird look and just shook his head no....I said my goodbyes and left. I'm an idiot.
