Monday, April 20, 2009

The Dreaded Dentist Visit

Today I had a dentist appointment to have my teeth cleaned at 10:00 in the morning.Why I agreed to such a time, I don't know. When they call to tell you that it has been a long time since you have been in and it's really time you need to have this done, you just take the first appointment they have open. They make you feel like you're not a normal person waiting so long to get your teeth cleaned. Anyway, I headed for the dentist's office at 9:50. One good thing about having your medical people in Shelby, is that you can get to the office in a matter of minutes.

I didn't have to wait very long before they called my name( not many people agreed to those early times). I got in the chair and the first thing they did was x-rays ( since I hadn't been in for ages).We were on the last little tab, and when she put it in my mouth and told me to bite down, I knew something wasn't right. I could feel something odd with my tongue. I thought, ' I have my teeth on her glove' but what can you do with a hand stuck in your mouth. I frantically tried to shove it aside with my tongue, but at her insistence to bite down, I did just that. Of course when she tried to pull her hand out, she says " oh, you're biting on my glove" Duhhhh! It's a wonder I didn't bite a hole in it, with her trying to pull it out of my mouth with my teeth on it.

X-rays over, she begins the job of scraping around all your teeth with that little sharp dental tool, chatting like a magpie all the while, just as though we were at a party. I listen though, for it keeps your mind occupied during the torture session. They used to squirt your mouth full of water from a little hose, but now they have a new plan. There is a cup under the little spout on the side of the chair, and you get to fill it yourself and then rinse . It was very simple and I managed it very well, but the water must have been frozen in its early life . I have 5 crowns in my mouth and I cannot take really cold water being thrown back in my mouth. Whew, I grabbed my mouth and made a comment about cold water. The hygienist began to be worried about me, so she suggested I fill the cup and hold it in my hand to warm up some before the next rinse. I did this with reservation as I am afraid the hygienist may get a bath before we are done.

Things go very well for the next few minutes and she is nearing the end of the cleaning, when she hits an exposed nerve. I jump in the chair and let out a yelp to which the hygienist also jumps and yells. She said I scared her for she wasn't expecting that. Well, for her information, I wasn't expecting it either and to my good credit I keep all the water in the cup when I jumped. It was that hygienist's lucky day! When she got finished and said I could rinse, I said to her ( in a rather annoyed voice, "What did you do to that tooth?" she said that the nerve was exposed a little probably from my gums receding some. She said she would warn the dentist that I had a "Hot Spot" in my mouth. I replied to her "You Better")

Then when she started to polish my teeth I took one of those real hot spells that I get when my sugar gets out of whack. I had already warned her that it might happen, so she stopped and let me take my sweater off . Then she took one of the hoses' and began blowing cold air all over me with it. She said she would help cool me off. I think my hygienist is having a nervous breakdown about now.She gets done and has the dentist come in and warns him very emphatically that I have a "hot spot" on number something, so I don't get that shock again. He gets done and tells me everything looks good. I say that I like him and the little hygienist says so pitifully behind me;" She doesn't care much for me!" I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.But we are laughing together as I am leaving so I think she has forgiven me.

Then I am sent to the front desk to part with my money. The girl at the desk smiles sweetly and says that will be $90.00. I almost jump and yell again. As I am going out the door the receptionist says, " Have a good day and see you in six months."

That's what she thinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope you all have really good dentist's visits!


  1. You know how I am at the dentist office! I'm proud of the fact that you actually go when there is no broken tooth or toothache involved. You are a brave woman Brenda!

  2. First of all, I think it's hilarious that you think 10:00 is early.

    Secondly, I got nauseous and dizzy just reading about this. BOO DENTISTS!!
