Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Day After

It's always a rush the week before Easter at my house.So the Monday after Easter I look forward to as a resting day.

This year it was unusually hectic. I finished all the clothes I was making early, I am usually hemming or still sewing the sat night before Easter, and it's a good thing!

We made it through going to a revival Monday and Tuesday nights, Our home church on Wednesday, I had to go get the flowers and decorate the church Thursdsay morning and then we had tickets to a play in Mansfield that night, Friday, Adam came home and we rushed back to Mansfield to see a Good Friday concert that night. Stopped to eat after the concert so was late getting home. Saturday morning, Adam and I went to Herman's house in Mansfield to pick up a lawn mower he gave Heather, dropped it off and then went out to the track field to watch a little of the Shelby Invite, came home, made my tater salad, and cut up most of the fruit I was taking to sunrise service, took my shower curled my hair and collapsed. Go up at 6 went to sunrise service , regular Sunday school and church, made dinner, sent Adam back to college. My sister came up about 4 to spend the night with me so we walked her dog and waited for Becky and Heather to come up for a few minutes to visit after church that night.

Monday arrives and I am really ready for my rest day. Betty had to leave at noon, then I went to curves and then home to flop on the couch and rest! I spied the eggs hanging on the tree when I was coming home so took time to take them down. Just as I finished the rain came. Was more than glad to head for couch. Just settled in with book when phone rings. A prayer request. After 6 calls, back to book. Mail arrives. Must put on rain gear to go get mail. Really chilled from going out in a monsoon so couch and book and blanket here I come. Phone again. Adam needs phone number of High School. I remind him he left a letter from the college at home that needed to be turned in. Of course he has no idea of what to do about it. Call number at college. While waiting for college to get to a real person ,home phone rings, Betty can't find her pink jacket, can I look for it? A real person comes on the line from the college, must hang up on Betty, will call later. College person needs form immediately with copy of my and Adam's tax returns. Adam doesn't know college address, Person tells me how to get it. Call Adam and tell him to get me that address immediately and call me back as I must get form in mail in morning. Hang up, Call Betty tell her I found Jacket. Phone rings, Adam with address, must hang up on Betty again. Get address from Adam. Yell at him for a while for making me do this. It is the form for his loan for money f or college next fall. hang up, call Betty, apologize several times , tell her I will send jacket in a manila envelope, which I don't have, tomorrow. Must call tax preparer to ask question about tax forms. She tells me I need to white out one place on form and sign my name. I don't have white out. I must get dressed, run out to Drug Mart to buy manila envelopes and white out. Home again and fix package to send to Betty and letter to send to Akron. It is 9:00.

Whew! what a rest day! maybe I can try again tomorrow.


  1. Oh Brenda! Don't you hate it when that happens? No one calls me until I am trying to relax! I hope you get a restful day one day this week!! Love you:)

  2. Hee hee I'm on Casey's computer so he was signed into Google! This is Shelley!!

  3. Poor Mammy...then on Tuesday she had to go file my city taxes. Hope you get to rest and relax Wednesday! (Unless that's the day you're taking my cable box to Mansfield.) :) Luv U Moomaw!

  4. I'm exhausted just reading this!! Whew!!!
