Thursday, April 23, 2009

Clean What!!!!!!!!!!!

When Adam went to college last fall I decided to go thru all this junk I've collected thru the years and piled in all these rooms of my house. I figured I would have so much free time on my hands and this project will keep me from being so lonely, plus my house will be in better shape.

I really didn't get started as soon as I planned (Imagine that) but I have worked on it. The "sun room" as we call it, was where I kept all my scrapbooking supplies last year. I organized them into one box, and piled the twin bed in the room with all the papers from diabetic diets, Ladies Auxiliary projects, loose bills I am organizing , the church diet plan, and any other project I have papers on that I don't know exactly what I am going to do with. You can see almost all the floor and the desk top is almost bare. That's something isn't it? Well I'll work on this room later, it takes too much time to go thru all those papers.

The Living room I've kept in pretty good shape. Every drawer and end table and any other place I can stick stuff ,is full as it can be, but...... you only see the furniture and the big pile of current projects and bills, I am working on. Some days there is a stack of newspapers, if I haven't carried them into the sun room and piled them on one of the clean spots I had in there.

The family room isn't bad either. I have pulled out all the music books we have, since I'm learning to play the piano( earlier blog) and they have to have a corner to be piled in. The couch only has one place you can sit down on, but anyway the kids have learned to put the camcorder and camera , all the papers I'm currently using, the box with my good silverware in it , the bag with the old bridesmaid dresses in( that the owner of wants me to make her daughter something out of, when she finds time to look for a pattern) and the goblets I just recently bought, on the floor, if they want to sit on it. The computer, being in this room, has times it gets piled up, but I clean it every now and then. ( after all how can you blog,if you can't get your hands on the keyboard). All in all, I think it is is good shape.

Upstairs, I cleaned Adam's room after he left, and since it is mostly his stuff in the closet and drawers, I can't do much there. He does make the bed when he comes home for a visit and so That room is not a worry, although right now I have all the Easter decorations piled in his room, waiting to be carried to the attic and put away in one of the boxes I have for Easter things.(You have to go in his room to get to the attic door.) ( Actually the attic is one large room running the length of the house,you will see the importance of this later) ( It is so big it was Becky's bedroom when we first moved in the house)

My bedroom needs some work. I have filled three bags with clothes that I am deciding if someone really will use them if I give them to goodwill or someplace like that, or If I should salvage them for my use, like taking the buttons off and reusing them. oh, well. I'll think about that later.

The sewing room!!!!!Lord have mercy on me. I have cleaned it Lots of times since last fall. I start on another project and everything in the room gets pulled out into the middle of the floor. When one project is done, I have another one to start, sometimes two or three are going on at the same time. oh well, that's what's nice about having a sewing room, I can leave it piled up until I am done with my projects, and then clean it up.

The other place I was determined to have cleaned by the time Adam came home for the summer, was the attic. RIGHT..................You talk about a disaster. I spent one whole day on it last fall and had all the Christmas stuff moved down to one end of the room, planning to go thru the967 boxes of Christmas things I have(that's no joke, ask the kids) and get rid of some of it.I'm just not in the mood to go thru Christmas things right now. I'll work on that later. I did sort all the clothes I wanted to put in a garage sale this summer in one place(although I'd rather take a bullet to the head than have one of those things) and all Adam's baby things I want to keep are in their own corner. Heather does have a box of her old college things up there. I could do a lot better if that box wasn't in my way.hahhahahahahahahaha I have gone thru 3 boxes of old material scraps. I start to throw them away and I think, maybe I will find a use for them someday. Someday had better get here soon or the material be will dry rotted and what good will it do me then??????? We are having a mother -daughter tea in two weeks and I told Danielle I will help her make a garden, so I will be digging thru all that stuff again to find things to make the garden, so whats the use of trying to clean now, when I will be messing it up anyway.

Adam will be home in two weeks for the summer! I will be glad! I need some time to work on this house. It's a mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I think if you ever get the attic cleaned up, you should be awarded a medal. And I cannot believe you are honestly even contemplating taking all the buttons off of 3 garbage bags of clothes.

  2. Becky stole my comment! Seriously Brenda? You would take the buttons off of clothes, to do what with them? You sound like my cousin Leigh Anna, who still had EVERY gift bag from her baby shower, when her daughter was 7 years old! She especially loved the big gold bag, for some reason it made her happy.....people are weird. Not me though. Wheww!
