Thursday, April 9, 2009

Piano Concert in B(renda)

My last blog was about useless things and I am still thinking of that. Everyone knows I have a piano. There have been many hours of playing, coming from it's ivory keys. Since the girls have moved out on their own, the piano doesn't get much playing time. Only when Becky or Heather is over and they play on it for a little while.

I paid a lot of money for that piano and I do not want it to sit there and be a useless instrument. A few months ago Becky had said it needed to be tuned, so when I got the tuner for the church piano, I scheduled him to come tune mine. Cost me $80.00. Gee-O-Pete. Well now that I paid that much for a tuning, I wasn't going to let it go to waste.So I have decided to learn to play the thing. Enough for me to get some use out of it anyway.

So, I have been trying to spend at least 30 minutes a day, when I can, practicing.Now I may have told you about me staying up all hours of the night, so if it is 1 o'clock and I decide to play a while, I just d0 that. It is a good thing my neighbors' houses are not too close to me, for I'm sure the eerie sounds coming from my house late at night could cause them to believe in spirits.

I am rather proud of myself, for I can sometimes play fast enough to make out what song I am attempting to play. I can recognize the treble clef notes pretty well but I have a ways to go on those bass clef notes. Anyway I only want to play good enough for me to be able to sit down and enjoy some music.

Well, like I said on my last blog, we had a beautiful day today. I was so thankful for it. After I got home from seeing "To Kill A Mockingbird" I decided to play for a while. I was playing along, concentrating on keeping the tempo and playing all the right notes, when I realized what I was Playing, "Jingle Bells!" I hope the weather fairy wasn't listening to me.No more winter for a while!!!! I will have to learn a spring or summer song. I don't want the weather fairy to hear any more songs that even mentioned cold weather. Does anyone have the music to "Sunshine on my Shoulder"?



  1. If it snows again, I'm coming after you! (And you are getting pretty good on that thing!)

  2. I'm still laughing from reading this! You really should watch what you're playing on that thing! :-)
