Saturday, April 25, 2009

Flowers for the yard.

There is a story about our former pastor's wife, Christine, that we all like to tell now and then. When they were building one of the homes they lived in during the time we knew them, Chummy sent Christine to the hardware store to buy some grass seed for the new yard. The salesman asked her what kind of seed she wanted and she replied, " I like that kind that has the pretty little yellow flowers in it."

Today, I spent several hours, digging up those "pretty little yellow flowers" from my yard. Why do we do such things? I spend hours planting flowers in beds around my house so I will have pretty things to look at when I go outside or look out my windows. God just gives us those pretty little yellow flowers for free and we don't even want them. Perhaps the fact that they are scattered about the yard in no organized pattern has something to do with it, or that they will grow up to have those big balls of ugly seeds that blow in the wind and cause us to sneeze and cough. They also choke out the little blades of grass that are trying to come up out of the ground and cause them to die before they have a chance to live a normal life. Then in the late summer, when the little yellow flowers have long since died off ,the big ugly leaves dies and leaves bare spots all over the yard where the little blades of grass would have been grown by now if they had been given a chance to live. This does not make for a pretty yard.

So every spring I go outside with my trusty "pretty little yellow flower" digger and dig them up from my front yard. And I will spend money to buy flowers to plant in the beds around my house so I can have a pretty picture when I look outside. But I do appreciate the fact that God wants to give me a flower for free. You would know this is true if you would just go look at the back yard.

hope you enjoy those "pretty little yellow flowers" this year!

1 comment:

  1. Hey..I commented on this once, but it's not here! Are you deleting me?? I'm not a little yellow flower to just be dug up and thrown away!!
