Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool

April first has arrived. I am so glad to see March vanish. March was supposed to bring warmer days and sunshine,but it must be getting older as it forgot those things this year. Perhaps next year will be better for her.
So April is here. Especially on this, the first day, we can think of things to do to try and fool people. This actually makes us look like the fool, but it has been the thing to do so we just go along with it and hope we can make someone fall for our pranks.
I had thought that I could pull a prank on Becky because she stops by every evening except Wednesdays but as you can tell this is Wednesday so she will not be stopping by. This is church night and I could go to church and play a prank on someone,,,,,,,,,,,oh no, I don't think God would appreciate that and anyway He already knows what fools we are. Hahaha, God, Good joke huh!
Well, the only other thing I can think of, is to go out on the street and find someone to play a joke on. I had thought I could lay down in the middle of the road in front of my house and when the cars or trucks or semi's that drive down the road stop to check on me, I could jump up and with glee in my voice and a big smile on my face, I could yell April Fool. After thinking on this for a while(yes, it took a while) I thought that there could be a problem if , for some unthinkable reason, they did not stop, then I believe I would have a lot harder time jumping up and yelling. Perhaps I could not even smile or have much glee in my voice, it's according to how much damage they did when they did not stop. I think that my joke would not go over so well without all the aforementioned objects. Perhaps the people in the vehicles ,seeing a woman hopping on one leg and waving the only two good fingers that she had left, in the air and with blood running down her face and a moaning sound muttering "Apsil feel" coming from her mouth, would think it a good April fool prank, but I do not think I agree. I guess I have waited to long to plan a good April fool gag for this year, so I will work on something for next year.
Becky, watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta be pretty quick to pull one on me Moomaw!! And please...stay out of the road!!!
