Friday, May 1, 2009

A Monster in the house.

Does she look scary to you? Well, in this picture she looks like my precious baby girl, but there was once a time when I thought she was a monster.
She still lived at home. All the kids were still at home with us. There was a movie on T.V. that night about a family going to their cabin for vacation and a serial killer, posing as a hitchhiker. I wouldn't watch it after I saw the advertisement for it, as those kinds of shows stay in my mind for a long time.
Anyone who is, or ever has been ,a mother, knows all about down time. When all the family went to bed I would stay up and read or watch something I wanted to see on T.V. until I got real sleepy and them I would go to bed.
This happened the night I saw the ad for that scary movie. At about 3 o'clock in the morning I awoke and realized I had fallen asleep and I needed to go to bed. Upstairs I went and went in the bathroom to brush my teeth before retiring.
When I turned out the light and opened the bathroom door, I faced total darkness. As I started out of the door, I realized there was something standing in front of me. And I do mean something. It was about 5 feet or more in height and had no head and had an awkward posture. I stared for a second or two and then the mind process kicked into gear. I thought someone or something had entered my home and could possibly harm my family( the serial killer hitchhiker must have been floating around in there somewhere)All of a sudden I knew I must do something to save my family from sure destruction. My heart started pounding so hard, I thought I might be having a heart attack. I opened my mouth and screamed with all my might!!!!!!!Just then My eyes has adjusted to the darkness and I realized that it was Heather standing there. She had that huge head of hair hanging down over her face( thus the faceless thing)and was slumped over as she had just climbed out of bed to come to the bathroom. She wore a black sweatshirt with the arms hanging down over her hands and some kind of dark pants on.
I had just gotten my heart to stop racing and was about to speak to her when she let out an ear piercing scream. ( Later she stated that I had scared her when I screamed). Now, not expecting her to let out a scream, she scared me anew, to which I replied with another scream. and doing this scared her again, so another scream from her. I cannot remember how many times we screamed at each other until I found enough sense to say "Heather Nicole!!!!"" Now we had broken the scream cycle.I demanded to know why she was up a 3 in the morning, as if her kidneys had no right to be awake at that time in the morning. After she informed me that she needed to go to the bathroom and I stated that she had scared me and she stated that I had scared her, we went on our separate ways.
Now, Adam's bedroom is directly across the hall from the bathroom but you know we never woke him up. But alas not so for poor Tom who had to get up at 5:30 that morning to go to work. When I got in the bed, he wanted to know what in the world was going on. I told him and he tried to go back to sleep. Still having that rush of adrenalin going thru my body I could not go to sleep.As I lay there thinking about what had just happened I found it very funny and I started to laugh. I tried to hold it in so as not to disturb Tom, bust I couldn't keep it in. AS I began laughing out loud, I could hear Heather laughing in her bedroom. It soon turned into hysterical laughter for both of us. It was so bad, I told Tom to slap me so I could stop laughing. I do not think my poor hubby got much sleep that night. The next morning we found out that we had awaken Becky and scared her stiff. and she was awake the rest of the night also.
The next day everyone was going to work and school in a daze. AS each one came home that night and walked into the living room, where I was sitting, we would break out into bouts of laughter. Needless to say we all went to bed early that night and got a very good nights sleep.
So, just look at that face and do not let it fool you. Remember the next time you see a pretty face, there just might be a monster lurking under there!


  1. She still looks scary to me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    And must I say, that was one of the most harrowing nights of my entire life.

  2. I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt on this one....
