Monday, May 25, 2009

A Hairy Tale

Hi guys,
Went to Ky. this weekend to visit with the family, as Dennis and his family were coming in from Arizona. You will no doubt read lots of blogs about this event.
We had a really great time. So good to see all the family again. We have the greatest family on earth. Just ask any of us.
Becky, Adam and myself went down Friday night. Got to Granny,s about 10:00. We all stayed at her house because it was so late.The next morning granny insisted on fixing sausage and gravy for breakfast. I then cleaned the kitchen for her for her mother,s day present.
I told my sister, Betty that I would go to a memorial service for my uncle Clabert Boyles, who had passed away. The service was at 2 o'clock on that Sat. Betty said she would be at granny,s at 1 and we would leave about 1'30 to go to the service. The kids went with me.
After the service the minister said there was food for the family at the fellowship hall. Betty said she was hungry so , since we were riding with her, we went to eat. A lot of my family was there, including my other two sisters who lived close. So we spent some time visiting with all of them. Went back to granny,s and Betty came in to visit for a while.
When Betty left, we needed to go to the store for granny. She needed more sausage in case Dennis helped her fix a breakfast while he was in. And Adam had used most of her ice to soak his ankle in, so we wanted to replace it.
Now, Dennis and his family will be in tonight so we are supposed to go to Diana and Murf's to spend the night. I wanted to get there before dark because we are not very familiar with the area. So we realize that time is running low on our time clocks, so we need to get hoppin'.
We devise a plan. We will go to town, Becky and I will go to the store and get the few items on the list, while Adam goes to the dollar store to buy a belt. Then we will go to the Dairy Queen to get granny a burger and onion rings, then take it all back to granny,s and head on out to the Murphy,s.
It starts out good. Adam gets his belt, meets us at the store, helps get the items needed and we head to DQ. Things aren't so good there, for one thing they are slower than Christmas. After we get the food we head back to granny,s and on the way, I suddenly say," Did, we get sausage?" Becky replies, "Oh, no." We decide to stop at the little store near granny,s to see if they have any. Then I say, "Did we get ice?" and Becky replies, "Oh no!" so I know they have ice at the little store, and I go on down the road, headed toward the little store. As I near the store, I have already forgotten that we needed to stop there, but before I got past it Becky pointed her finger at it and said something that resembled "store" giving me enough time to whip in before I passed it. Not wanting to block the gas pump, I stop at the lower end of the store.
Becky, nor Adam wants to get out of the car, so I go in looking for the needed items. God was gracious and they had a roll of sausage. I took it to the counter and paid for it and a bag of ice, which I was told I could get myself.
This is going well, I thought, and we will have plenty of time to get to the Murphy's before dark. I go over to the ice box and open the door. I have the roll of sausage in my left hand and my purse hanging on my arm. I reach in for the ice, but there is only one one bag on the very bottom on this side and when I try to pull it out , it is frozen to the bottom. Oh, darn, I will have to open the other side and get one out of there ,for it is full. I raise my head up for I have been bent down in this chest trying to reach the bag of ice, when my head hits a big steel spring that holds the door open. Don't you know my hair twists itself in the spring and there I am trapped on that hinge. Becky and Adam can't see me and I know they will let me hang there for an hour before they come to see what happened, so I have to take my right hand, and twist it up around my head and try pull my hair out. It will not come out easy. I have to slowly pull and pull to get myself unhooked.
Finally! I feel my head come free. I go to the other side and with my head reared back so as not to get near the door, I get the ice. As I am going to the car with the stupid sausage and purse dragging my left hand down, and the ice dragging my right hand down and the one side of my hair sticking straight out on the side of my head, I see Becky and Adam laughing.I can tell you I do not think any of this funny. And I certainly hope that if Dennis has sausage for breakfast one morning, he doesn't choke on it.And whoever gets a nice cold drink for dinner had better appreciate it. And if I have a bald spot on the side of my head, you can laugh, but you better not let me see you.
I hope going up to Diana's isn't this hard!


  1. First of all, it's her own fault that she was hanging in the ice box all alone because she parked us facing the wrong direction and there's no way we could have seen her! Secondly, we would not have left her there for an hour. Our food would have been cold by then. We would have checked after 45 minutes at least!!

  2. I need to go check out an ice box today and see if I can find any of these unruly door springs. This is embarrassing for us Kentuckians...we do not encourage over zealous machines and apologize for any physical and or emotional damage. Although it does make for a good story!
