Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who's Weird?

I just read the comment my niece, Shelley wrote about my blog-"Clean what!!!!!" First of all to Shelley and Becky---- I did not mean I would take the buttons off all the clothes. Only the garments where I had about $10.00 in buttons. I would probably only get $4 or $5 for the garments in a garage sale,and if I could recycle the buttons at a saving of $10.00 I thought perhaps it might be worth it, to reuse the buttons and throw the material away. Honestly girls!!

Secondly, about the comment Shelley made about not being weird. Hummmmm! Well I got the dictionary out and looked up the meaning. The first meaning was ' of fate or destiny' . I am not real sure what that one is supposed to mean, but I think the Brown's make their own fate and destiny , so that one can apply. Second meaning: of or about ghosts, evil spirits, or other supernatural things; unearthy;mysterious;eerie. I can say there is nothing ghostly, evil or supernatural about Shelley. Now, with the word, mysterious, we are beginning to form a picture of my beloved niece.

Third meaning:(a) strikingly odd, strange, etc fantastic: bizarre, Ahh we are making a clearer picture all the time. (b) eccentric, erratic, or unconventional in behaviour. Pay dirt! erratic: having no fixed course, or deviating from the normal or customary course. eccentric:not having the axis in the center; out of the ordinary; odd.

Now Shelley, forgetting your kids conference two times is a little out of the ordinary to me. And I would say calling your police husband in the middle of a courtroom hearing to remind him to bring home "T.P." is deviating from the normal. And,,, in my opinion, being told you can no longer ride in the cruiser with your husband because you were yelling at the prisoners is just bizarre. Now , if you think trying to save some money because you are a poor widow woman trying to live on a small pension and send her poor little boy thru college is weird , and you are not weird, with the things you do, perhaps we should read the dictionary together and talk it over.

Don't you ever change. Love you just exactly the way you are. all my love-Aunt Brenda

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Flowers for the yard.

There is a story about our former pastor's wife, Christine, that we all like to tell now and then. When they were building one of the homes they lived in during the time we knew them, Chummy sent Christine to the hardware store to buy some grass seed for the new yard. The salesman asked her what kind of seed she wanted and she replied, " I like that kind that has the pretty little yellow flowers in it."

Today, I spent several hours, digging up those "pretty little yellow flowers" from my yard. Why do we do such things? I spend hours planting flowers in beds around my house so I will have pretty things to look at when I go outside or look out my windows. God just gives us those pretty little yellow flowers for free and we don't even want them. Perhaps the fact that they are scattered about the yard in no organized pattern has something to do with it, or that they will grow up to have those big balls of ugly seeds that blow in the wind and cause us to sneeze and cough. They also choke out the little blades of grass that are trying to come up out of the ground and cause them to die before they have a chance to live a normal life. Then in the late summer, when the little yellow flowers have long since died off ,the big ugly leaves dies and leaves bare spots all over the yard where the little blades of grass would have been grown by now if they had been given a chance to live. This does not make for a pretty yard.

So every spring I go outside with my trusty "pretty little yellow flower" digger and dig them up from my front yard. And I will spend money to buy flowers to plant in the beds around my house so I can have a pretty picture when I look outside. But I do appreciate the fact that God wants to give me a flower for free. You would know this is true if you would just go look at the back yard.

hope you enjoy those "pretty little yellow flowers" this year!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Clean What!!!!!!!!!!!

When Adam went to college last fall I decided to go thru all this junk I've collected thru the years and piled in all these rooms of my house. I figured I would have so much free time on my hands and this project will keep me from being so lonely, plus my house will be in better shape.

I really didn't get started as soon as I planned (Imagine that) but I have worked on it. The "sun room" as we call it, was where I kept all my scrapbooking supplies last year. I organized them into one box, and piled the twin bed in the room with all the papers from diabetic diets, Ladies Auxiliary projects, loose bills I am organizing , the church diet plan, and any other project I have papers on that I don't know exactly what I am going to do with. You can see almost all the floor and the desk top is almost bare. That's something isn't it? Well I'll work on this room later, it takes too much time to go thru all those papers.

The Living room I've kept in pretty good shape. Every drawer and end table and any other place I can stick stuff ,is full as it can be, but...... you only see the furniture and the big pile of current projects and bills, I am working on. Some days there is a stack of newspapers, if I haven't carried them into the sun room and piled them on one of the clean spots I had in there.

The family room isn't bad either. I have pulled out all the music books we have, since I'm learning to play the piano( earlier blog) and they have to have a corner to be piled in. The couch only has one place you can sit down on, but anyway the kids have learned to put the camcorder and camera , all the papers I'm currently using, the box with my good silverware in it , the bag with the old bridesmaid dresses in( that the owner of wants me to make her daughter something out of, when she finds time to look for a pattern) and the goblets I just recently bought, on the floor, if they want to sit on it. The computer, being in this room, has times it gets piled up, but I clean it every now and then. ( after all how can you blog,if you can't get your hands on the keyboard). All in all, I think it is is good shape.

Upstairs, I cleaned Adam's room after he left, and since it is mostly his stuff in the closet and drawers, I can't do much there. He does make the bed when he comes home for a visit and so That room is not a worry, although right now I have all the Easter decorations piled in his room, waiting to be carried to the attic and put away in one of the boxes I have for Easter things.(You have to go in his room to get to the attic door.) ( Actually the attic is one large room running the length of the house,you will see the importance of this later) ( It is so big it was Becky's bedroom when we first moved in the house)

My bedroom needs some work. I have filled three bags with clothes that I am deciding if someone really will use them if I give them to goodwill or someplace like that, or If I should salvage them for my use, like taking the buttons off and reusing them. oh, well. I'll think about that later.

The sewing room!!!!!Lord have mercy on me. I have cleaned it Lots of times since last fall. I start on another project and everything in the room gets pulled out into the middle of the floor. When one project is done, I have another one to start, sometimes two or three are going on at the same time. oh well, that's what's nice about having a sewing room, I can leave it piled up until I am done with my projects, and then clean it up.

The other place I was determined to have cleaned by the time Adam came home for the summer, was the attic. RIGHT..................You talk about a disaster. I spent one whole day on it last fall and had all the Christmas stuff moved down to one end of the room, planning to go thru the967 boxes of Christmas things I have(that's no joke, ask the kids) and get rid of some of it.I'm just not in the mood to go thru Christmas things right now. I'll work on that later. I did sort all the clothes I wanted to put in a garage sale this summer in one place(although I'd rather take a bullet to the head than have one of those things) and all Adam's baby things I want to keep are in their own corner. Heather does have a box of her old college things up there. I could do a lot better if that box wasn't in my way.hahhahahahahahahaha I have gone thru 3 boxes of old material scraps. I start to throw them away and I think, maybe I will find a use for them someday. Someday had better get here soon or the material be will dry rotted and what good will it do me then??????? We are having a mother -daughter tea in two weeks and I told Danielle I will help her make a garden, so I will be digging thru all that stuff again to find things to make the garden, so whats the use of trying to clean now, when I will be messing it up anyway.

Adam will be home in two weeks for the summer! I will be glad! I need some time to work on this house. It's a mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Big Purple dress

My Aunt Juanita took me to her house one summer and taught me to sew. I made a maroon skirt. I'll always remember what it looked like. Because mom had very little money when I was about to get married, I made my wedding dress. It wasn't real good but it got the job done. My Tom was so small that he could rarely buy anything that didn't have to have some kind of altering done before he could wear it. Thus, my sewing career began.

I've been asked to make all kinds of things in my life. Some were really crazy. I made a white satin vest for a dog to wear in her master's wedding pictures. I made two little baseball caps for two fence posts that one of Tom's friends had carved faces on. I made tons of welding hats for the guys at the steel mill. I've made lots and lots of costumes. I made a custom tablecloth for ,"The Spencers" gospel singing group. I was asked to make a cover for a boat, but I refused that one.

I've sewed bridesmaid dresses for I don't know how many weddings and I don't know how many little dresses, pinafores and bonnets for new babies. One of my most common alterations these days, is prom dresses. I am getting more and more calls every year. Some of those things can be real bears to work on.

I finished alterations on one today that I hope I never see again. The mother of the girl wearing the dress graduated from school with Heather. I am getting too old for this. When they brought me the dress, we had to really pull to get the plastic cover off it. It needed about one inch taken in on the sides. The mother asked me, where to go and have it puffed out. I told her the cleaners would probably do it. This dress has three, yes, three petticoats under it and the top is two layers of purple netting material with sequins all over it . Well, I had to flip it upside down to get to the sides, the longer I worked on it, the more it puffed out. by the time I got the first side ready to be worked on it was a big huge purple ball. I felt like I was in a jungle when I was working on that thing.It has grown larger each day. I had so many layers around me that I had a hard time finding the front of the dress when I finished a side. I had it pulled up on top of my head so I could get the side under the machine. Now, this process creates static so that when I moved it from my head, it would pop and crack and of course shock me. Well, I have one side done and the other ripped apart, so what could I do but finish it. Back on top of my head. More popping and cracking and my hair is standing on end when I pull the dress off it,so that it reminds me of a weird science project. I would like to not put it back on my head, but the thing is so big by now, I can barely get close to my machine. One more time to the head and I will be done.This time the petticoat layers have fallen down over my head, with my eyes peeking from under the edge of them, I do the last stitch. Am I glad to be done with it.

I am tired and will have to go to bed soon, but I have a dilemma. The dress has puffed so much on it's own that I had to lay it on my bed which it fills. Oh. well, I can throw it on the floor so I can get in my bed. After all, the mother is going to get the cleaners to steam puff it so it will stand out.

I hope her date has a large, large car.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Dreaded Dentist Visit

Today I had a dentist appointment to have my teeth cleaned at 10:00 in the morning.Why I agreed to such a time, I don't know. When they call to tell you that it has been a long time since you have been in and it's really time you need to have this done, you just take the first appointment they have open. They make you feel like you're not a normal person waiting so long to get your teeth cleaned. Anyway, I headed for the dentist's office at 9:50. One good thing about having your medical people in Shelby, is that you can get to the office in a matter of minutes.

I didn't have to wait very long before they called my name( not many people agreed to those early times). I got in the chair and the first thing they did was x-rays ( since I hadn't been in for ages).We were on the last little tab, and when she put it in my mouth and told me to bite down, I knew something wasn't right. I could feel something odd with my tongue. I thought, ' I have my teeth on her glove' but what can you do with a hand stuck in your mouth. I frantically tried to shove it aside with my tongue, but at her insistence to bite down, I did just that. Of course when she tried to pull her hand out, she says " oh, you're biting on my glove" Duhhhh! It's a wonder I didn't bite a hole in it, with her trying to pull it out of my mouth with my teeth on it.

X-rays over, she begins the job of scraping around all your teeth with that little sharp dental tool, chatting like a magpie all the while, just as though we were at a party. I listen though, for it keeps your mind occupied during the torture session. They used to squirt your mouth full of water from a little hose, but now they have a new plan. There is a cup under the little spout on the side of the chair, and you get to fill it yourself and then rinse . It was very simple and I managed it very well, but the water must have been frozen in its early life . I have 5 crowns in my mouth and I cannot take really cold water being thrown back in my mouth. Whew, I grabbed my mouth and made a comment about cold water. The hygienist began to be worried about me, so she suggested I fill the cup and hold it in my hand to warm up some before the next rinse. I did this with reservation as I am afraid the hygienist may get a bath before we are done.

Things go very well for the next few minutes and she is nearing the end of the cleaning, when she hits an exposed nerve. I jump in the chair and let out a yelp to which the hygienist also jumps and yells. She said I scared her for she wasn't expecting that. Well, for her information, I wasn't expecting it either and to my good credit I keep all the water in the cup when I jumped. It was that hygienist's lucky day! When she got finished and said I could rinse, I said to her ( in a rather annoyed voice, "What did you do to that tooth?" she said that the nerve was exposed a little probably from my gums receding some. She said she would warn the dentist that I had a "Hot Spot" in my mouth. I replied to her "You Better")

Then when she started to polish my teeth I took one of those real hot spells that I get when my sugar gets out of whack. I had already warned her that it might happen, so she stopped and let me take my sweater off . Then she took one of the hoses' and began blowing cold air all over me with it. She said she would help cool me off. I think my hygienist is having a nervous breakdown about now.She gets done and has the dentist come in and warns him very emphatically that I have a "hot spot" on number something, so I don't get that shock again. He gets done and tells me everything looks good. I say that I like him and the little hygienist says so pitifully behind me;" She doesn't care much for me!" I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.But we are laughing together as I am leaving so I think she has forgiven me.

Then I am sent to the front desk to part with my money. The girl at the desk smiles sweetly and says that will be $90.00. I almost jump and yell again. As I am going out the door the receptionist says, " Have a good day and see you in six months."

That's what she thinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope you all have really good dentist's visits!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Demented Elecrontics

Have you ever argued with an electronic device? Well, I have. As a matter of fact, today! Ever since we got lost in Washington D.C. and Becky had to load a gps system on her cell phone to get us out of there, I hinted that I would like a GPS. Guess what I got for Christmas?

Since I have not traveled anywhere that I did not know how to get to since I got my new present, I have never used it. Today I had to go way over on the other side of Mansfield to a area that I have rarely traveled, so I knew this would be the perfect time to use my Garmin.

I practiced loading the address on it. Worked perfectly. I even found the save button and saved it as a favorite. It only was half charged but I found the cord to plug it in the cigarette lighter on the car which charges it as you are driving, so I knew I was in tip top shape to head into the unknown boundaries of traveling.

Myself, my Garmin and Becky's DVR cable box headed for the car and the trip to Mansfield. (Becky got a new TV and our cable co. gives you free HD if your TV is compatible to it, but you have to have a cable box to fit that category. Since the cable office is very near the place I had to go, she asked me to take her old box and have it replaced.)

The first problem I had, was I could not get the holder to stick on the window and then get the garmin to stay in it so I just put the garmin on the dash in front of me(it has an indented place with a rubber piece on it so things stay put) and it seemed to work fine.

I started out of my driveway and Mrs. Garmin came on and told me to follow the high -lighted path. Well, I wanted to go the back roads to Mansfield, so I turned on Vernon Road, which of course put her in a tizzy. She told me in no uncertain terms to follow the high-lighted paths. I knew that she would recalculate so I paid her no mind. I must say she is a persistent little thing, for she told me about 5 times and then she said, and I swear they programmed a sigh in there, that she was recalculating. Well, I turn about 8 times on different back roads to get to Mansfield, so she was quite perturbed with me when I finally reached this side of Mansfield. Being tired of hearing her sigh and getting close to the area I was unfamiliar with, I decided to listen to her.

She told me to turn right, which totally confused me,for I could look to the left and see the area I needed to go to, but Mansfield has a lot of one-way streets and such so I thought she may be taking me in the back way or something. She kept telling me to turn right ,and I did what she said until she told me I would be turning on 314 which is just outside of Shelby!!! She had me going backward from where I wanted to be. I knew I wasn't supposed to turn right!

So I whipped down the first road I came to and thought It would take me to Lexington, where I could find my way to the south side of Mansfield. Wasn't where I thought I was. Mrs. garmin was thoroughly disgusted with me by then, but kept giving me directions. Since I had no idea where I was by then ,I would follow them sometimes, until I just felt she didn't have a clue what she was doing either ,so I would turn the opposite direction.She told me to turn on route 288 and this is where we got into an argument. I am in territory I have never even dreamed of being in Mansfield. I am passing huge fields with no sign of life anywhere about. I pass an occasional vehicle going in the opposite direction and I wonder if I should try to flag one of them down and beg for help.I think I have been kidnapped by this little electronic box. Perhaps there is a sinister plan behind her actions. She is telling me to turn right again. I yell at her that I know I am not supposed to go right. I say that if God will only let me come to a sign that I recognize I will fix her little red wagon. All of a sudden the screen flashes low battery at me. Now I am in a pickle, don't know where I am and Mrs. Garmin is not talking to me. Oh, dear what can I do!

Just then 288 ends and I see a sign up ahead. Mt. Gilead 18 miles ahead!!!!! Well, I know where I am now. For those of you who don't know our area I am about 12 or 15 miles to the west of Mansfield.

I turn around and head back down 288. I know I can backtrack to Lexington now and end up on the south side of Mansfield,which is my destination. As I am driving along I say to the DVR cable box in the back floorboard, " You better not open your mouth!". Which he never did.Smart Box.

To give a little credit to Mrs. Garmin, it's hard telling where I told her to take me. I would guess somewhere west of Mansfield, wouldn't you?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Day After

It's always a rush the week before Easter at my house.So the Monday after Easter I look forward to as a resting day.

This year it was unusually hectic. I finished all the clothes I was making early, I am usually hemming or still sewing the sat night before Easter, and it's a good thing!

We made it through going to a revival Monday and Tuesday nights, Our home church on Wednesday, I had to go get the flowers and decorate the church Thursdsay morning and then we had tickets to a play in Mansfield that night, Friday, Adam came home and we rushed back to Mansfield to see a Good Friday concert that night. Stopped to eat after the concert so was late getting home. Saturday morning, Adam and I went to Herman's house in Mansfield to pick up a lawn mower he gave Heather, dropped it off and then went out to the track field to watch a little of the Shelby Invite, came home, made my tater salad, and cut up most of the fruit I was taking to sunrise service, took my shower curled my hair and collapsed. Go up at 6 went to sunrise service , regular Sunday school and church, made dinner, sent Adam back to college. My sister came up about 4 to spend the night with me so we walked her dog and waited for Becky and Heather to come up for a few minutes to visit after church that night.

Monday arrives and I am really ready for my rest day. Betty had to leave at noon, then I went to curves and then home to flop on the couch and rest! I spied the eggs hanging on the tree when I was coming home so took time to take them down. Just as I finished the rain came. Was more than glad to head for couch. Just settled in with book when phone rings. A prayer request. After 6 calls, back to book. Mail arrives. Must put on rain gear to go get mail. Really chilled from going out in a monsoon so couch and book and blanket here I come. Phone again. Adam needs phone number of High School. I remind him he left a letter from the college at home that needed to be turned in. Of course he has no idea of what to do about it. Call number at college. While waiting for college to get to a real person ,home phone rings, Betty can't find her pink jacket, can I look for it? A real person comes on the line from the college, must hang up on Betty, will call later. College person needs form immediately with copy of my and Adam's tax returns. Adam doesn't know college address, Person tells me how to get it. Call Adam and tell him to get me that address immediately and call me back as I must get form in mail in morning. Hang up, Call Betty tell her I found Jacket. Phone rings, Adam with address, must hang up on Betty again. Get address from Adam. Yell at him for a while for making me do this. It is the form for his loan for money f or college next fall. hang up, call Betty, apologize several times , tell her I will send jacket in a manila envelope, which I don't have, tomorrow. Must call tax preparer to ask question about tax forms. She tells me I need to white out one place on form and sign my name. I don't have white out. I must get dressed, run out to Drug Mart to buy manila envelopes and white out. Home again and fix package to send to Betty and letter to send to Akron. It is 9:00.

Whew! what a rest day! maybe I can try again tomorrow.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Piano Concert in B(renda)

My last blog was about useless things and I am still thinking of that. Everyone knows I have a piano. There have been many hours of playing, coming from it's ivory keys. Since the girls have moved out on their own, the piano doesn't get much playing time. Only when Becky or Heather is over and they play on it for a little while.

I paid a lot of money for that piano and I do not want it to sit there and be a useless instrument. A few months ago Becky had said it needed to be tuned, so when I got the tuner for the church piano, I scheduled him to come tune mine. Cost me $80.00. Gee-O-Pete. Well now that I paid that much for a tuning, I wasn't going to let it go to waste.So I have decided to learn to play the thing. Enough for me to get some use out of it anyway.

So, I have been trying to spend at least 30 minutes a day, when I can, practicing.Now I may have told you about me staying up all hours of the night, so if it is 1 o'clock and I decide to play a while, I just d0 that. It is a good thing my neighbors' houses are not too close to me, for I'm sure the eerie sounds coming from my house late at night could cause them to believe in spirits.

I am rather proud of myself, for I can sometimes play fast enough to make out what song I am attempting to play. I can recognize the treble clef notes pretty well but I have a ways to go on those bass clef notes. Anyway I only want to play good enough for me to be able to sit down and enjoy some music.

Well, like I said on my last blog, we had a beautiful day today. I was so thankful for it. After I got home from seeing "To Kill A Mockingbird" I decided to play for a while. I was playing along, concentrating on keeping the tempo and playing all the right notes, when I realized what I was Playing, "Jingle Bells!" I hope the weather fairy wasn't listening to me.No more winter for a while!!!! I will have to learn a spring or summer song. I don't want the weather fairy to hear any more songs that even mentioned cold weather. Does anyone have the music to "Sunshine on my Shoulder"?


Easter Trees?

I hate useless things, don't you? Well I guess I really don't hate them for my whole house is full of them and I wouldn't part with them for the world. But I like to have them used as much as possible. For instance several years ago I bought a small artificial pine tree, which I put in my hall and decorated it for every holiday to make my home a festive and warm place to be. After a few years I got tired of decorating that stupid tree all the time so I didn't do anything to it for a long time. The tree now has a few inches of dust on it(have you ever tried to clean one of those things) and the pretty white lights I had put on to make it shine and glow , have long since died. It's little artificial branches droop downward as if to say "I'm no longer wanted". Not that I care what those branches want, they scratch the fire out of me when I do try to put something on them anyway. Back to the story, I had purchased different decorations for the different holidays, and after each holiday those particular decorations would be put away upstairs until the next time they were needed. I was upstairs looking for something for some of the decorations I was fixing for the church when I spied my box , no two boxes of Easter decorations. Even though Easter is only two days away I decided I needed to put those things to use.
I had a large bag of those plastic colored eggs, that I had put yarn inside of and then snapped them shut so they could be hung on a tree branch. So grabbing my bag of eggs I headed outdoors to decorate the little tree that Tom had planted out back.It was a fairly warm day today and the sun was shining like all get out. I began putting the eggs on the tree, but the one constant in northern Ohio is the wind. Those little eggs were having a high ole time once they were released on their branches. Also, the little tree seemed to have grown quite a bit since the last time I put eggs on it. I had to stretch on my toes to grab the top branches, then pull the branch down and try to get an egg over it before it slipped out of my hand and spring back into position.( It did this a couple of times and once it flung the egg so hard it wrapped the string tight around the branch and the poor egg was sticking straight up in the air, forcing me to stretch and grab the branch again get it loose so it could hang free, like all the other eggs)The little tree looked like it was starting to form buds, so I was trying to be careful and not tear them off as I was hanging the eggs on the branches, but if there are no leaves or flowers this year we will all know the reason why.The little tree also scratched the dickens out of my arms too. And I thought the house tree was bad.
Back inside, I went to work on the house tree. Since it is small, I had it all spruced up in no time, and I didn't think it was very bad on the scratching after the outside tree. I had made a Easter Bunny Angel, which is a bunny with wings that can be taken off.( I guess that 's like a punishment thing, you know if it's bad you can take it's wings away, you probably won't get this but I know what it means). It's about the size of a small baby doll. I made it a red frilly dress with ruffles on it and a pinafore over it. Then I crocheted a bunny and her dress with a little purse to go with it. They are sitting in the floor in front of the T. V. Two purple bunny's sit in front of the end tables. One wears a little hat and can be lifted up at his middle and can be a Easter Basket.(A good friend bought this for Adam when he was little). Then I have 14 or 15 ceramic bunny's of different sizes and shapes. I placed these on the mantle and top of the T.V. stand.One of them is a little bunny dressed in pink pajamas that Becky bought me. It's so cute! Always reminds me of Adam when he was a baby.
When I placed one more ceramic bunny on the table, my useless things were all in use again. Looking at all of them placed around, you can tell something special is about to happen.All these things revive memories that are fun to remember and the anticipation of new memories to store away for the future.
I guess things like Easter trees and Easter Bunny angels are only useless for part of the year. When it's Easter time they have found their place in the world and are as useful as can be.Like the Bible says ," there is a time for all things", and nothing wants to be useless forever, even an Easter Tree.
Happy Easter Everyone!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is Spring Out There?

Today was a great day. The weather was around 70 and the sun was out. It made you hunger to be outdoors. I raked some on the yard and picked up some piles of leaves and pine cones that Adam and myself had raked up earlier in the month. I was getting ready for the first lawn mowing, which I assumed would be just around the corner, since we were having such lovely weather.

I noticed a few buds starting to come out on the daffodils in the back yard. I thought " How great! With this weather those flowers will be bursting out soon." I am so ready for spring to come and move in to stay.

Then, as I ran outside to put the van in the garage, I was really surprised to find it raining. The air already had turned cold again. I listened to the weather when the evening news came on, hoping that it was only a fluke and the weather woman would say, "Get ready for more sunshine," but the dreaded words came out of her mouth, more cold weather on the way. Where in the world is the warm weather fairy? Has she fallen asleep on the job? Hasn't she heard that spring arrived two weeks ago? If she's holding out for more pay, I think I could scrounge something up for a little warmer weather. Gee O Pete, how much cold does she think we can stand? I do believe I have some ice crystals forming in my veins. Well, I tell you what, I haven't lived in northern Ohio for 40 years for nothing. I can hang on for as long as it takes for the warm weather to get here.I will just put it on my list of things to look forward to and then I will be happy when the days arrive. Just remind me of this when it's 100 degrees outside and I am sweating to death and wishing for cooler weather. Warm weather fairy, you better wake up and start doing your job. In this day and age there's always another fairy waiting to get your job.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool

April first has arrived. I am so glad to see March vanish. March was supposed to bring warmer days and sunshine,but it must be getting older as it forgot those things this year. Perhaps next year will be better for her.
So April is here. Especially on this, the first day, we can think of things to do to try and fool people. This actually makes us look like the fool, but it has been the thing to do so we just go along with it and hope we can make someone fall for our pranks.
I had thought that I could pull a prank on Becky because she stops by every evening except Wednesdays but as you can tell this is Wednesday so she will not be stopping by. This is church night and I could go to church and play a prank on someone,,,,,,,,,,,oh no, I don't think God would appreciate that and anyway He already knows what fools we are. Hahaha, God, Good joke huh!
Well, the only other thing I can think of, is to go out on the street and find someone to play a joke on. I had thought I could lay down in the middle of the road in front of my house and when the cars or trucks or semi's that drive down the road stop to check on me, I could jump up and with glee in my voice and a big smile on my face, I could yell April Fool. After thinking on this for a while(yes, it took a while) I thought that there could be a problem if , for some unthinkable reason, they did not stop, then I believe I would have a lot harder time jumping up and yelling. Perhaps I could not even smile or have much glee in my voice, it's according to how much damage they did when they did not stop. I think that my joke would not go over so well without all the aforementioned objects. Perhaps the people in the vehicles ,seeing a woman hopping on one leg and waving the only two good fingers that she had left, in the air and with blood running down her face and a moaning sound muttering "Apsil feel" coming from her mouth, would think it a good April fool prank, but I do not think I agree. I guess I have waited to long to plan a good April fool gag for this year, so I will work on something for next year.
Becky, watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!