Monday, October 12, 2009

Last Mow

Well, I mowed my yard (the front only) today for , I hope, the last time this year. Had to use the push mower because the rider is broken. I had to mow some and then rest before I could mow the rest. Also it started lightly raining while I was mowing the first time and my back was getting pretty wet, another good reason to stop for a while.

Usually by this time each year the grass has a lot of brown in it and doesn't need any more mowing. It's still pretty green and with all the rain we've been having it still is growing very well.

But!!! Beware grass. The weatherman has forcasted snow for sometime this week. Probably a few flakes in the air, but nevertheless snow. Now we all know for a surety that grass can't grow when there's snow in the air. Don't we???????

I am not really ready for snow, but if it will stop that grass from growing, I guess I can stand a little of it.I have pushed that mower around the yard all I care to, for this year.

The only drawback to this problem is, that when you put the mower away for the year, you have to dig the snow blower out. Not looking forward to that either.

Oh, well, it's not too hard to snow blow those few flakes blowing around in the air.

Happy prewinter everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I'm re-reading your blogs Ma...I'll bet you don't feel the same way about those little snowflakes now, do ya?!
