Monday, October 19, 2009


Once there were six siblings
Born in ole Kentuck
To get them all together
Would take a lot of luck
But they made a lot of plans
and vowed thru thick and thin
That they would work and work
And be together once again
It happened in October
of the year two thousand and nine
And when they got together
Boy, did that group shine
They met at sister Betty's house
and hugged and laughed and kissed
And being all together once again
Was so much joy and bliss
They had aunts and cousins
who came from far and near
to share in the reunion
with smiles and words of cheer
And when the time was over
Each had to go their own way
But they had made many happy memories
to store in their hearts to stay

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thoughts on a polka dot.

Tonight I feel like a polka dot. A polka dot is one small dot in a pattern on a piece of material or a printed document. When you look at the pattern you can see all the polka dots, but to pick out one specific dot would be very difficult.

You can get buried real deep in a polka dot pattern and never be noticed. You look like all the other polka dots and have very little significance to anyone.

To be noticed in a polka dot pattern you have to be different from all the other polka dots. For instance if you were a blue polka dot in a black pattern, you surely would be noticed.

Many times I wished I could be a blue polka dot but I've always been a black polka dot. Sometimes that is a good thing, but at other times you have a great desire to be different.

So, if being a black polka dot is my lot in life, then I must bear it. I will faithfully keep my place in the pattern until it is my time to go to the great polka dot place in the sky. And then, when I am gone, I will be a blue polka dot, for there will be a vacant place in the pattern and people will easily recognize my place and say, "There's a polka dot gone from that spot". If that don't make you blue, then nothing will.

Goodnight to all you fellow black polka dots out there. "I" know you're out there.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Last Mow

Well, I mowed my yard (the front only) today for , I hope, the last time this year. Had to use the push mower because the rider is broken. I had to mow some and then rest before I could mow the rest. Also it started lightly raining while I was mowing the first time and my back was getting pretty wet, another good reason to stop for a while.

Usually by this time each year the grass has a lot of brown in it and doesn't need any more mowing. It's still pretty green and with all the rain we've been having it still is growing very well.

But!!! Beware grass. The weatherman has forcasted snow for sometime this week. Probably a few flakes in the air, but nevertheless snow. Now we all know for a surety that grass can't grow when there's snow in the air. Don't we???????

I am not really ready for snow, but if it will stop that grass from growing, I guess I can stand a little of it.I have pushed that mower around the yard all I care to, for this year.

The only drawback to this problem is, that when you put the mower away for the year, you have to dig the snow blower out. Not looking forward to that either.

Oh, well, it's not too hard to snow blow those few flakes blowing around in the air.

Happy prewinter everyone.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Rainy Day

Fall is rapidly approaching the city of Shelby in the state of Ohio. I welcome it some days and other days I dread it with a passion. Today is one of the days I dread it. It has been raining this afternoon and even the house feels damp and chills you to the bone.

I still have outside things to be stored for the winter and I need wood carried to the back porch before the snow flies........... The yard may need to be mowed once more before the mower can be put away and this rain will surely cause the leaves to fall from the trees, so that raking is lookin good for future weeks.

April will be flying home next weekend and after coming to see me and the girls and their homes on Saturday, she and I will travel to Ky. until Monday, when I will take her back to the airport in Columbus for her flight back to Utah. Then I will drive back to Shelby to try and catch up before another onslaught of things begin to happen. It will be a good thing to be with all my family one more time.

I will just try to live one day at a time for a few weeks and see what happens. Hoping to stay warm and dry tonight. Love and Prayers to all.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Good Growing Times

When I planted my little garden this year, I asked God to bless it and told Him, I would try my best to not let any of it go to ruin. Be careful what you tell God.

Since I got 8 tomato plants that were the little Roma's, I figured I would not get much juice, which is what I was out of. One of my friends at church had a really good tomato year and ended up giving me enough tomatoes to can about 30 qts. It still didn't look like I would get much of a crop from my garden. Then we went on vacation for 9 days, and when I got home, walaaaaaa! Tomatoes galore. I have canned tomatoes until I am tired of them. But I told God!!!!!!!!!!.

I went out last week and picked everything left in the garden that was ripe because we had a frost warning for that night. It did come a big frost during the night. But we were having our ladies retreat on Sat. and I had a million things to do for it. So the 5 gallon bucket of tomatoes and the 4 heads of cabbage and the huge bucket of carrots had to be put on hold.

All I have left is the tomatoes, which are in two cookers on the stove, and will be juiced when they are done cooking, and one very large head of cabbage. I had to throw out a few tomatoes but I have saved most all of the produce and can feel that I didn't let God down.

I am sure these things will taste very, very good this winter when the cold winds blow and we are snowed in, but today I do not like tomatoes or cabbage. Hopefully, by tomorrow I will have everything canned or frozen for this year.

Next year, Lord, I don't think I want a garden!