Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Life's Gone Crazy

All of a sudden my life has gone completely crazy. I feel like I'm on a carousel and can't get off. Becky has already stated that it took me and her three days to move her. Adam did help some but not all the time . We had 5 days of Bible School and even if I didn't have a job, I had to get ready every night and go. Cedar Point on Saturday was an all day affair, even more for me because I had to go to Mansfield to get food to take on Friday.On the way to Cedar Point, a friend called and said she had a bushel of beans for me. Said she would bring them on Sun. as I wouldn't be home till late that night, so Sunday, the girls helped string the beans and I started canning. Could tell I was a little short on the last canner full so I went to the garden and Picked a bucket from my garden to finish the canner. Had to clean them and then go back to church. Monday was outside all day doing the yard work, but at least that is done before we leave for Gettysburg on Friday. Today, Had to be at church at 8:30 to let piano tuner in, so I just went on over to Mansfield to get tires on the van before trip. Came home, went to curves, and then picked more beans from my garden. Cleaned them and just turned burner off first canner full. I need to clean the fellowship hall before I leave on the trip and I have an outfit for a wedding on Aug 15, that I must finish. Now I usually don't accomplish this much stuff in this short a time but I am keeping up with it pretty well, so I wonder if I'm nearing the end of my life and have acquired an extra burst of energy to get me thru everything. I am afraid to stop because I may never get anything else done in the time I may have left. So I am just going to keep on until I fall over and if you happen to come by me, don't worry, I will either be dead or building up energy for the next few weeks. Stay healthy and get lots of rest.

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