Thursday, August 20, 2009


Well, Adam is leaving tomorrow for another year of college. Life is full of changes anymore. It was strange getting used to having him home again with all the stress and aggravation that he can bring with him, but, now that I have already gone through it once before, I know how hard it will be in the next few weeks getting used to an empty house again.
I will have to consider a lot of changes in the near future. I am getting older and this property I own takes a lot of care to keep things going. I may have to sell ( if I can) and get something smaller. Of course this creates another dilemma for I have millions of things in this house and if I get a smaller place, some of it will have to go. Deciding what to keep and what to get rid of will take a few years in itself.
I have always loved my home so finding another area that I would like to live in will take me a long time, I'm sure.
With all the time it will take to get another place and deciding what to keep and what to get rid of may take so long that there will be no need to even look for another home. I may have just solved this problem. Now, on to the next one. Maybe change won't be as bad as I thought.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sensing a bit of depression in this blog Ma...hang in there...we'll make it.
