Monday, September 6, 2010

No Tears.

There are a lot of things in heaven that I am excited about. No more death. Yaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!
No need of money, no more burdens, heartaches or worries. A mansion to live in. All my loved ones gathered about.
But, after the last week, I think the one that says, "No More Tears," is my favorite. I have cried so many tears, that I thought they might all be gone and I'll never be able to shed another one. But, not so. Each time I dwell on my Becky's life and all the good things about her, they are right there in a mighty abundance. My glasses have permanent stains on them. I have become accustomed to looking around spots.
God said He would bottle them up for me and I'm wondering what kind of huge container He has for that purpose.
I used to think all that crying was not a good thing, but I now realize that I have had so many wonderful times with her, and so many wonderful moments shared together that I will have many more tears to give up. The tears are for the fact that I won't be able to have any more on this earth and that makes me sad, and also for the joy of having so many to remember.
I am thankful that our love was like a deep well, and thus it holds much joy, which in turn renders many tears.It is a great thing to know each tear stands for a joy we shared. So, nose and eyes, be prepared, there will be many more tears ahead. And that is not a bad thing.
Waiting for the day I will see you again and then all my tears will be gone forever.

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