Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vacation with a Hurricane

We are leaving for Hilton Head next Friday on our vacation. We have waited all summer for our vacation and we really need it. The girls have been working on that project and nothing has gone right with it. They even extended it until Labor Day weekend because things have gone so bad. Of course that is the week we are going to be gone. They will just have to do without Becky and Heather that week, anyway as bad as things are going the job will probably still be going on when they get back. I am working as hard as I can to get all my sewing done before we leave but alas I also have hit a wall of problems. I do have three of the wedding dresses finished but I still have three more to go and two of them are trouble. I also have a prom dress to be repaired and five pairs of pants to hem. So we are really, really looking forward to our vacation.
Now we knew that the hurricane season is going on but for heavens sake, two of them in two weeks. Do they not know where Hilton Head is? Right on the Atlantic Ocean. And of course, the hurricanes have to make a show of themselves and blow right along the coastline when they are out there trying to prove how big they are. Well we have news for them, they can share our vacation with us, for we are going to Hilton Head next week come hurricane or high water. As hectic as life has been this summer a hurricane will just seem like another day to us. I bet we could even take a walk on the beach with the hurricane blowing along beside us. Can't you just see us now, walking along with our hair blowing straight up in the air or whipping around our faces. I bet we would think it quite funny. (Can you laugh out loud if you are out in hurricane winds? ) Well perhaps it will just be a plain ole dull vacation with lots of sunshine and nice weather but that's not going to stop us, as I said before, we are still going.
So, look out Hilton Head, here come the Browns and we are going to have a good time no matter what. If you happen to hear about 4 crazy women out on the beach (we are taking my sister with us) while a great wind was blowing, you can say to yourself, I bet they are having fun because they are on vacation!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Well, Adam is leaving tomorrow for another year of college. Life is full of changes anymore. It was strange getting used to having him home again with all the stress and aggravation that he can bring with him, but, now that I have already gone through it once before, I know how hard it will be in the next few weeks getting used to an empty house again.
I will have to consider a lot of changes in the near future. I am getting older and this property I own takes a lot of care to keep things going. I may have to sell ( if I can) and get something smaller. Of course this creates another dilemma for I have millions of things in this house and if I get a smaller place, some of it will have to go. Deciding what to keep and what to get rid of will take a few years in itself.
I have always loved my home so finding another area that I would like to live in will take me a long time, I'm sure.
With all the time it will take to get another place and deciding what to keep and what to get rid of may take so long that there will be no need to even look for another home. I may have just solved this problem. Now, on to the next one. Maybe change won't be as bad as I thought.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Light the Lamps

I bought Becky some lamps for her birthday. She found a set at Wal-Mart that she really liked. It had 2 table lamps in the set and a tall floor lamp. We took it home in a medium sized box , wondering how many parts were in there waiting for us to put together. Also, we were kind of stumped as to how the lamp shades were crammed in there. It was the day after we moved her in and so we went lickety split back to her house to put them together to see how they would look in her living room. Adam and I started putting the pieces together while Becky was trying to unhook the lamp off a little table lamp that she had. It was one of those that had the lamp built in the table and it was about to fall apart, so when she got the lamp un hooked from the table,we sat one of the table lamps on it. It looked really great!... We discovered that the lamp shades were folded flat and the hasp and other wire frame were in the box. With some difficulty we got them put together, and the color really complimented the room. Adam was down to the tall floor lamp, when tragedy struck.The floor lamp was in three pieces with the wires strung thru the pipe like parts. One of them had the screw section in crooked and no matter how hard we tried, we could not get that thing together. We finally gave up and decided to take it back to Wal-Mart.
We didn't attempt to try and take the lamps apart and put them back in the box, so there went Becky and myself , carrying 2 table lamps and a box with a floor lamp sticking out all over, into Wal-Mart. They only had one more of those sets left, so we grabbed it before anyone else could and exchanged it and headed back to Beck's house. She really liked those lamps and was excited we got another set. We learned our lesson from the last time, so we started with the floor lamp. Wouldn't you know this floor lamp did the very same thing. We tried so hard to get it to go together that we got it stuck and couldn't get it apart, so there we are going back to Wal-Mart with a box with the table lamps still in their original wrappings and that stupid floor lamp half put together.
There were 4 people ahead of us, so we had to wait in line. The wait wasn't too long and when we were the next people to get waited on, another woman came and got in line behind us. She had a baby doll that was turning its head and babbling in baby talk and then it would laugh a baby laugh( which I thought was real cute) but the woman said it had been doing that ever since she took it off the shelf in the store. By the time we got to the desk to be waited on, I could see why she was bringing that thing back. We were glad to walk away from her and that doll.
Now Becky has to hunt for lamps again. She had to go thru the trouble of putting that old lamp back on the table so she will have some light in her living room, until she can find some more lamps. I just might let her go out on her own for this adventure. Good Luck Beck. Love mom.

Thursday, August 13, 2009




Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Life's Gone Crazy

All of a sudden my life has gone completely crazy. I feel like I'm on a carousel and can't get off. Becky has already stated that it took me and her three days to move her. Adam did help some but not all the time . We had 5 days of Bible School and even if I didn't have a job, I had to get ready every night and go. Cedar Point on Saturday was an all day affair, even more for me because I had to go to Mansfield to get food to take on Friday.On the way to Cedar Point, a friend called and said she had a bushel of beans for me. Said she would bring them on Sun. as I wouldn't be home till late that night, so Sunday, the girls helped string the beans and I started canning. Could tell I was a little short on the last canner full so I went to the garden and Picked a bucket from my garden to finish the canner. Had to clean them and then go back to church. Monday was outside all day doing the yard work, but at least that is done before we leave for Gettysburg on Friday. Today, Had to be at church at 8:30 to let piano tuner in, so I just went on over to Mansfield to get tires on the van before trip. Came home, went to curves, and then picked more beans from my garden. Cleaned them and just turned burner off first canner full. I need to clean the fellowship hall before I leave on the trip and I have an outfit for a wedding on Aug 15, that I must finish. Now I usually don't accomplish this much stuff in this short a time but I am keeping up with it pretty well, so I wonder if I'm nearing the end of my life and have acquired an extra burst of energy to get me thru everything. I am afraid to stop because I may never get anything else done in the time I may have left. So I am just going to keep on until I fall over and if you happen to come by me, don't worry, I will either be dead or building up energy for the next few weeks. Stay healthy and get lots of rest.