Saturday, June 20, 2009


I watched the movie, "The Bad Seed" tonight. It really freaks me out to watch this show. Don't know why I do. It's about an adopted woman whose little girl kills people who don't do what she wants them to. The woman discovers her real mother was a murderer, who killed 8 people herself, and so the adopted woman thinks she passed her 'bad seed' to her child. The woman loves her child so much that she promises to not let anyone hurt her. She gives the child a bunch of sleeping pills and when she falls asleep, the woman takes a gun and shoots herself. The neighbors hear the shoot and go rushing in and of course, they save the little girl.( In this version the woman survives and the plight of the little girl has a strange ending, another version I've seen the parent dies) At any rate it's a freaky show but It made me think about seeds.
Worked outside all day today. Since it rained all week, had to get the grass mowed. My neighbors are on a cruise and I sowed some good seed and told them I would mow their lawn while they were gone. So I mowed for a loooong time. I thought, people, if someone hadn't sown grass seed on this piece of ground I live on , I wouldn't have a numb posterior for a hour or two.
Then Adam and myself, edged all the walks around my house. Have you ever seen the walks around my house? There is lots and lots of concrete around my house. If there were never any grass seed put around those walks, I wouldn't have to spend lots of hours edging.
After many hours working on the yard and all the projects associated with grass seed, I decided to go look at the garden. My, Oh, My the weeds that have sprung up in my garden. Now, I have planted beans, radishes cabbage, onions, dill, parsley, cantaloupe, zucchini, and other things in my garden, and I had to go pay for seeds (or plants) to have these things grow, but I never and I do mean never have planted weed seeds. I do not want weeds in the garden. Where have these seeds come from? I think they truly are "Bad Seeds". So I spent as much time as my back would allow to hoe these 'bad seeds' from the garden. Why are bad seeds free and good seeds cost money? This is a question I would like answered.Since this is Saturday, I will have to go out Monday and hoe some more on the bad seeds or they will take over the good seeds.
After working in the garden for a long as I could stand it, I rested for a while and then I walked out front. We had put down some bricks around the front of the house and I wanted to see how things looked , after the lawn had been mowed and the walks edged, to see if the new bricks could be seen better. I spied the new tree we had planted and saw how big the new grass was getting that we had planted around the tree, so I went to find my grass shears, and I cut the new grass a little, but not too much, for I don't want it to die after I spent all that time planting the grass seed.
It is the end of the day and I am really, really tired. I made a dish of macaroni salad as we are planning on grilling hot dogs for fathers day. Guess what one of the ingredients was. Celery Seed.
I am going to take a shower and go to bed. I never thought seeds were dangerous, but after spending the whole day working because of seeds, I can tell you, BEWARE! SEEDS CAN KILL YOU.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Kill the rabbit"

Why do the rabbits like me so
This is something I do not know
I said it once, and I'll say it again
I certainly do not care for them.

On my flowers, I've worked so hard
To have a pretty awesome yard
But each day when outside I go
I find the rabbits have dug another hole

The petunia's try and try and try
To lift their lovely petals to the sky
But their roots are being dug about
If they can hang on, I have my doubts

I tried to put some moth balls in
But the rabbits threw them out again
My flowers lives are in peril
Daggone those rabbits!Oh, wait maybe its a squirrel!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


It is already June. Adam and I have worked liked dogs ( where did that phrase come from? And what exactly does it mean? I have never seen a dog work so I don't know if it's good or bad to say that,but I've heard it all my life and when someone says it, everyone knows exactly what they mean, so I'll just go along with it) and we still don't have everything done. As a matter of fact the more we do, the more we seem to have left to do.
Adam starts work Monday so I only have 2 more days to get as much out of him as I can. We planted some of the garden last week and we have beans and radishes and green onions up. We are much later than those of you in Ky. when it comes to our gardens. It was only 50 degrees today up here. It may have stunted the growth of the plants. I think tomorrow is supposed to be a little warmer.
We are going to plant more beans and onions and probably radishes too, next week. We are not very knowledgeable in our gardening skills, but we are doing OK for a couple of novices. Someone told us ashes were very good for your plants so Adam went out today and flung the ashes from the fireplace on the garden. The garden is a little grey looking now. Adam thinks the ashes will blend in with the ground after a few days.
We also planted grass seed around "Belinda" today. We went out to a farm and bought a bale of straw and spread some on the grass seed and watered it down. Looks good to us. There was a bird hoppin' around the yard after we were done. He must have thought we did a good job too!
We went to 'Menards' and bought 10 more bricks to finish the trim around the flower beds we had started and more mulch, so tomorrow we can finish those jobs.
We, or perhaps I should say I, still have several projects to do , to say I have the outside work done. Like, I only trimmed half the hedges, and I still need to get all the weeds out of the pool spot, but I guess it will give me something to do when Adam goes to work.
All in all, I'd say that Adam and I should be proud of ourselves for all the things we accomplished in May. He really helped lighten my load this spring. Glad God gave him to me.