Thursday, December 27, 2012

Uploading !!!!!!!!

Dear Becky,

              I am writing this blog to you because you always enjoyed hearing about my endeavors with the computer and usually laughed all the time you were getting me out of the mess i had created.

              I am trying to learn how to put pics on the computer so I can put some of them out online for the family.Last night I put a sd card in the computer and saw that it had over 350 pics on it, from different occasions during the year. I thought, "I can  put them in folders, according to the different occasions", thus be able to find something I want to look for much easier.

            I made 3 folders and could not figure out how to put the pics in them. Just the Adam came in from where ever he had been, so against my better judgement, I asked him for some help.He began his usual  act of hitting keys, mumbling words and saying "I'm not sure how this works". Finally, after about 10 minutes of this rapid demonstration, he announces, there, that's how to do it. He lost me on the first minute of the lesson. I did catch on to the fact that I must name the folder and the check all the pics I wanted to go in it and then drag all the pics at the same time to the correct folder, so I guess he did help me in his own way.
              That dragging and dropping thing is what was never explained to me in terms that I understood, so armed with this new and valuable information, I attempted to make a folder. The first group of pics I wanted to enfolder only had 5 pics in it. After 2 tries, I was overjoyed to find I had achieved my goal.I went on and made 3 or 4 other small folders.
              I was now ready to tackle the big folders.The first one i wanted to put together had 64 pics to go in it. Not knowing any other way to do it, I went down the list and checked all 64 pics.  I tried to drag it to the folder   and in the normal scheme of things in my life, something happened!!   They did not go into the folder but magically doubled each photo so that I now have 128 pics.I must say the computer is very nice about it as it marked "copy" after each copy made.So trying to fix the problem I noticed that I had made copies of the" copies" on about 5 of the pics.  Now I am up to 132 pics.  I finally figured out that I must check all the copies and tell the computer to delete them, which worked but was very time consuming  because 132 pics is a long list and the original and copy were one right after the other , so that I had to check every other one (except the 5 that I made extra copies of, had to check 2 in a row for them)Finally got all the extras deleted, and tried again.   
don't know what I was doing wrong but couldn't get them to drop in folder. Finally tried only 17 of them and it worked. Had to only check 17 at a time to get them in the folder. tried 18 once and it wouldn't take them. I know you would think this  another one of my crazy ideas, but I'm telling you, that's the only way I could get them in that folder.(since then I have made other folders and put as much as 200 pics in them at one time )
                When I finally got that folder made, I only had one more with about 35 pics.Figured I was a whiz by now, WRONG. I did the magic trick again and doubled all 35 pics. So here I go again, deleting every other pic till I'm down to 35 once more. I did get those in a folder before I started screaming.  Wish you could have been here to share. Since it was late at night, I'm sure I would have called you demanding you tell me why this stupid computer wouldn't do what I wanted it to, and I can hear you laughing and saying'"now mom,.......... and leading me right thru the process.
             You would be proud though because I finally learn how to do the things I want to do, howbeit the long way around. Well, I better close now for I'm going to try and make an album......................