Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving, 2011. Just the three of us this year. Adam didn't have to work, so had dinner at noon. Fell asleep on couch Wed. night and woke up at 3. Went upstairs to bed, but couldn'dt go back to sleep for and hour or so. Got up at 6 to put turkey on. Laid down on couch and slept a little.

Finally got up and started the rest of dinner.Gonna keep it simple this year. Put potatoes on, for the mashed potatoes. Went to basement and got jar of green beans, coming back up stairs, saw bag of sweet potatoes, decided to cook a couple. I'm the only one who will eat them, so don't need many.

Found a can of corn to put on later, The only Vegetable Adam will eat. Started peeling apples for the apple crisp. Gonna let it bake while we are eating. Made a sugar free pumpkin pie last night. Had to make two crusts, so have empty crust just sitting there. Adam said he would like it if I made a Butterscotch pie, when I asked him what kind he would eat. Decided to make a home made filling for it. Started getting it together and found I didn't have enough brown sugar and no vanilla.

Called Heather to see if she could bring the needed items, but no answer on phone. She is pulling in drive. Begged Adam to run to store for the ingredients, so he did. Heather brought a pea salad.

Now it is time to start finishing the dinner and I have an apple crisp to finish and a butterscotch pie to put together before I can get it together.I call for Heather to help me. Adam willbe called a little later

I take the turkey out of the oven and Heather proclaimed that the skin looked delicious. ( My kids have eaten all the skin off the turkey when it first comes out of the oven, for years. It is now officially claimed as a "tradition".) Heather begins to take the foil off the turkey to start on "skinning it" when we hear Adam's steps on the stairs. "OH, shoot, states Heather, and I yell for Adam to hurry because Heather is starting on the skin. They then proceed to deskin the bird.They playfully fight over who is getting the best pieces.

The skinning done, Heather proceeds to make the gravy, while I am starting on the potatoes. I have finished the apple crisp and the filling for the pie. Don't know if I let it cook long enough but don't got no more time to spendon it. Into the frig and hope for the best.

oh, don't forget the rolls. Into the oven they go. Adam is now called to get drinks and help put food on table. Hurry up rolls, everything else is ready. Time to eat. Rolls could bake a little longer but they look fairly done so we'll take our chances.

Time to ask the blessing, Adam does a nice job for us. Dig in everyone. Really miss the two people who are missing this year. Guess we always will.Will be thankful when I get to see them again.

Dinner over, Need some rest time before we start on the Christmas tree. So much for keeping it simple this year. May try that stragedy next year. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!