Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Full Mind

Today is another below freezing day.It is 29 degrees, but that is better than the teens it has been the last few days. Supposed to be 19 on Sunday, whoopeeeee! The cold bothers me more this year. Guess it comes with old age.
My house looks like one you might see on the HOARDERS show. I have brought so much of Becky's things here to go through. No place to put this stuff. Gotta clean it up because I'm doing my Mystery Dinner for some of the people at church. Only have 2 weeks to get this done. I gotta get started.
I have several items to be sewing on. I have a hard time getting in the groove of doing things. I need to make myself start doing these things and get my life back in the swing of things.
I was going to take a computer class this month, but they told me there wasn't enough adults signed up to have the class this quarter. They did have 2 nights of training on internet usage. It was free, so I am taking them. I went Monday night and enjoyed it. The other class is Wed. They have a basic computer class scheduled for the spring quarter. Starts in March. Gonna get edumacated on the puter. hahaha
Well, Shelley, I emptied a little of my mind, but there's still so much in there this could take a lot of writing so I'll just close for now. Keep writing.