Sunday, November 28, 2010


Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone for 2010. We had our traditional turkey dinner, with most all the trimmings we usually have. We did cut down a little this year. The only thing missing was Becky. How difficult it is to have a family gathering when one of the family is not there. We had almost gotten used to not having Tom with us, when Becky goes and dies on us.
We put the tree up, after dinner and it went pretty well. But then , Heather and I always put all the lights and the beads on before Becky and Adam helped hang the bulbs and other things. We didn't even put any music on while decorating the tree. Heather had it on at her house and I cried for about half an hour.All in all, I think we did pretty well, considering all the pain I was in.
After the tree was up, we watched the "Muppets Christmas Carol". Then we put one of the dvd's Becky had converted from our old tapes. It did not play in my tape player. My heart was broken for I knew Beck wasn't here to burn us a new one. It was in a 2 disc set, so we put the other disc in and it worked fine. We decided to ask Andi to help re-record the one that didn't work sometime.
Andi came over for a little while, and when she left, heather and I got the newspaper ads out and planned our stragey for Friday. Then Heather went home to bed for we are leaving at 4:30 in the morning. We went to bed also, Adam and Megan are leaving at 2:30 to go to Target. Heather and I said we wouldn't touch that one with a ten foot pole.
Thus the day ended. Not as bad as I anticipated. Still a huge hole in our lives is hanging there. Life can never be the same. I can still hear her voice, as if she were here telling us her thoughts about the things going on.
Don't know what Thanksgiving in heaven is like, but hope you had a very good day. I suppose you shared it with your dad and grandparents. There are more of you on that side of the fence now, than what's on this side.I love you, Becky Non and miss you still. I hope I let you know how special you were to me, while you were here on this earth. Sometimes the pain is so intense that I think my heart is really breaking into. Hope to be moving over there soon. Can't wait to see your face again and give you a great big hug.
I shall try to live each day as if It were my last for someday soon it will be.