Friday, September 18, 2009

A different car

Have been home from our vacation for almost a week and it has flown by. Hit a deer when we were a mile from Heather's house and messed up the left side of the van pretty bad. It isn't drive able until it's fixed so I am driving a rental.

Now I don't know why they give you such lousy cars for rentals. This car has nothing you would consider an extra feature on it. The windows are crank and I haven't had to manually roll down a window for a long, long time. The locks are all manual too. I have to stretch across the seat to unlock the door when someone else rides with me.

Wednesday night I drove to church and when I started home I realized I didn't know where the lights were. I had one of the guys come and help me look. A third guy finally sh0wed me where they were.

The gears are on the column on the floor and my hand roams all over the dashboard and down the sides of the front of the dash before I find the shifter.

It is very low to the ground and I'm afraid one of these times I am not going to be able to pull myself up out of the thing when I stop. I may find myself sitting in it for hours before someone realizes that I am stuck in it.

I know that I have probably shocked you very badly to know what a horrific life I now find myself in, but if you all pray real hard , they may call next week and say they are ready to fix my van. Until then I will just have to do the best I can with what the good Lord has given me.

Hope to be driving a Pontiac Montana real soon.